Thursday, March 02, 2006

Capreol Lake

Well I am back from Sudbury now, I don't have many pix to show for it. Here is one, a view from on top of one of the small hills in the area where we were working. The yellow cylinder is the surface coil, it is basically an antenna for out Pulse EM system.
As you can see there are no large trees in this area, that is because over the last 100 years they were all poisoned by SO2 comming from the smelting opperations. In the 70s the built a massive smoke stack to make the SO2 someone elses problem. Vegetation has returned, but it is a slow process because the soils are thin and contaminated. Posted by Picasa


Sue Loader, Stewarts Garden Designer said...

Nice to hear from you again Tom. Shame Sudbury wasnt as scenic as your usual location...cant win em all i suppose.

Stewarts Nursery said...

Glad you're back Tom. You should have plenty of photo ops at home with all that snow!